

FX-8802 烙鐵 工作臺(tái)HAKKO白光 電烙鐵 焊接拆焊

SpecificationsModel No.FX-8802Power consumption65 W (26 V)Temperature range50 to 480℃Tip to ground resistance<2 ΩTip to ground potential<2 mVHeating elementCeramic heaterStandard tipShape-B (No. T18-B


Model No.FX-8802
Power consumption65 W (26 V)
Temperature range50 to 480℃
Tip to ground resistance<2 Ω
Tip to ground potential<2 mV
Heating elementCeramic heater
Standard tipShape-B (No. T18-B)
Cord length1.2 m
Total length190 mm (with T18-B tip)
Weight59 g (with T18-B tip and nozzle assembly A)

  • Total length and weight are measured without cord and tube.

  • The setting temperature range of FX-888 is from 200 to 480°C.

  • Do not set the temperature over 450°C.

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