

FX-8803 烙鐵 工作臺HAKKO白光 電烙鐵 焊接拆焊

SpecificationsModel No.FX-8803Power consumption65 W (26 V)Temperature range50 to 480℃Tip to ground resistance<2 ΩTip to ground potential<2 mVHeating elementCeramic heaterStandard tipShape-3CF (No. T18


Model No.FX-8803
Power consumption65 W (26 V)
Temperature range50 to 480℃
Tip to ground resistance<2 Ω
Tip to ground potential<2 mV
Heating elementCeramic heater
Standard tipShape-3CF (No. T18-CF3)
Guide nozzle1.0 mm dia (Option except 1.0 mm dia guide nozzle)
Applicable solder diameter0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.6 mmdia
Cord length1.1 m
Dimensions170 (W) × 180 (H) × 23 (D) mm (with T18-CF3 tip)
Weight207 g (with T18-CF3 tip)

  • Weight is measured without cord.

  • The setting temperature range of FX-888 is from 200 to 480°C.

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